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Rule Britannia: The Top 10 Best Universities in the UK for International Students

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Whether or not you’re into the Clash, you can’t deny that for American students, London is calling.

In fact, the UK is atop the list of foreign study destinations year after year (along with Scotland, so look at the best universities in Scotland for international students, too). It’s popular not only because it’s English-speaking and comes with a “very special relationship” with the US, a close ally and cultural cousin. It also boasts some of the most prestigious universities in the world. As a result, many UK universities make our list of the best universities in the world for international students in 2023. But what are the best universities in the UK for international students?

You might be surprised that England’s crown jewels of higher education, the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge, don’t make the list.

That’s because we assessed universities for not only academic prowess but also cost, student life, and their support in the UK for international students. When averaging all these factors, these pricy contenders couldn’t compete.

Since the UK is home to roughly half the American students completing degrees abroad, we figure tons of American students are trying to figure out how to go to college in England.

We wanted to help, so we gathered all the data and broke it down into three categories so students can compare universities in England against each other.

Who came out on top? The best university in the UK for international students is Middlesex University.

The best university in the UK for international students is Middlesex University. It’s among the cheapest universities in the UK for international students, and with 50% international students (and campuses abroad) they have plenty of experience hosting newcomers.

Here’s How We Found the Best Universities in the UK for International Students

We ranked the best universities in the UK universities for international students on three criteria:


From the Times ranking to the number of students per staff, we looked at the top universities in the UK, regardless of whether they were public universities, ancient universities, or private institutions. We included all the 3 and 4-year degree-granting institutions ranked in the top 2000 by the Times. That totaled 91 universities.

Student Life

We considered the percentage of international students welcomed by the university. While tons of students would be comfortable alone in a sea of British classmates, the best universities in the UK for international students are those with experience welcoming students, helping with visas, being able to talk to families about the academic schedule ahead of time, and those with plenty of students ready to help start that American society on campus, so you can host your own Superbowl parties and drown out some of your homesickness.


Since our world rankings scored all of England the same on a global cost of living and rent index scale, we scored universities in the UK on tuition cost alone. While it’s worth noting that you’ll save big by avoiding pricy London, you’ll also save big by considering the tuition savings of each institution on its own, even though you’ll be living in one of the more expensive countries in the world.

Here are the Top Ten Best Universities in the UK for International Students 

  1. Middlesex University (Review)
  2. University of Westminster (Review)
  3. Aberystwyth University (Review)
  4. University of Essex (Review)
  5. University of Strathclyde (Review, Guide)
  6. Lancaster University (Review)
  7. University of Kent (Review)
  8. University of Liverpool (Review)
  9. University of East Anglia (Review)
  10. Cardiff University (Review)

best overall uk universities for international students data table including academic, cost, and international scores

Middlesex University for the Win

Middlesex University London wins awards for diversity and inclusion, and perhaps that’s why it’s a standout for international students. With branches in Dubai, Mauritius, and Malta, Middlesex goes out of its way to develop the university’s interests worldwide and bring that brainpower back to its London campus.

Middlesex also scores well on cost, keeping international student tuition reasonable.

More Middlesex students live and study outside the UK than in London, so it only makes sense that the university wins such high internationalization accolades. It’s a new breed of international universities dedicated to being both a business and a university, a global player as much as an insulated teaching institution serving local students.

There are pros and cons to that reality: the university does bring an international reputation and a solid education to students who may not want to stay in England in the future.

What are some of the big selling points for Middlesex? Students like the 24-hour library, free printing, and new facilities.

Attending the University of Middlesex won’t get you the prestige of Oxford, but Oxford can’t give you a degree in “Games and Visual Effects.” So if your field is unique, look into a university that’s built its unique position on its internationalization and ability to prepare students for their future careers, and you may find you’re attending one of the best universities in the UK for international students overall.

Wales Leads the Way Outside of England

Seven out of 10 top universities in the UK for international students are in England, but 2 are in Wales: The University of Cardiff and the University of Aberystwyth.

If you go to college in Scotland, universities will require 4 years of study (there are only 3 in England). Learn the differences so you can decide on more than cost alone. One key difference is that, with an extra year of tuition heaped on the cost of university, only one Scottish university makes the cut on our list.

It’s the University of Strathclyde, in Glasgow, Scotland, which scores consistently on all our factors. Remarkably cheap for a 4-year degree, its nearly 175 degree programs and almost 1/3 international presence serve students from over 100 countries. And student satisfaction ranks 4th in the UK overall. The city of Glasgow wins awards from travelers for its unique and beautiful atmosphere.

However, less expensive universities with high academic ratings in Wales show they have both academic power and affordability. They’re increasingly attracting international students, too. 

The Best Universities in the UK for International Students Based on Cost

Among universities on the overall top ten list, you can’t beat Aberystwyth. With a total 3-year tuition of $49,719, you’ll save the average cost of a high-end Tesla compared to Oxford undergrads. 

At number 2 for affordability, Middlesex University, students can earn a 3-year degree in animation and games in London for just $51,111.

Overall, England’s 3-year degrees represent a cost savings. Students can get into the workplace faster without spending time exploring general education disciplines. They’ll start earning in their fields quicker, earn more over a lifetime, and save cash in the process.

While it doesn’t make our list due to lower international support and academic prowess, the lowest tuition for a university in the UK that’s ranked by Times is the University of Sunderland

Looking for the lowest cost you can get with a little more academic power? If you want a university in the global top 300, head to Bournemouth University. With an annual tuition of $18,833, it’s in the top half of U.K. tuition costs, striking a delicate balance between the best degree you can get at the lowest price in the UK.

Want to know where you’ll pay most? The lowest-ranked undergraduate degree in the UK for cost comes from Oxford University. With a total tuition of $205,088, its science degrees beat #2 University of Bristol’s aeronautical engineering degree costs by 43%.

International Haven: The University with the Highest Percent of International Students

If numbers are your thing, you can also check out the highly international London School of Economics and Political Science. Not only is it globally ranked #37, but it attracts 73% of its students from outside UK borders. That’s far more than #2 University of Bedfordshire with 59% international students.

In general, head to universities in or near London for international camaraderie and class discussions with a world perspective. The other top schools popular with international students include SOAS University of London, University of London City, Middlesex University, and the University of Westminster.

An interesting hiccup in the rankings is that the University of St. Andrews, in Scotland, ranks 7th overall for international students. While we’re not sure why this cloistered Scottish outpost soared up the global rankings, today it’s called the “51st state” and is an easy spot to find other international students outside bustling London.

The Best University in the UK for International Students Based on Academics

Out of our top ten, the University of East Anglia wins the academic prize among contenders in our top ten. It’s also ranked in the top 25 for all UK universities, with high marks for research. Student satisfaction is consistently good, and Norwich is a bustling 200,000-person college city just 2 hours from London.

Our global rankings include an academic category that ranks a university with more English-language programs higher than one with fewer. After all, students who study in a small cohort in one of a handful of English-taught majors have fewer opportunities to read library books, attend special lectures on campus, and participate in university life. That means we’re partial to universities with tons of programs all available to international students. Fair enough.

But what happens when every university and degree program in an English-speaking country is taught in English, and the 3-year programs leave little room for exploring other departments anyway? 

Giants like Oxford and Cambridge get unfairly slapped in our ratings. With a much smaller handful of degree programs, these universities are all about depth and not breadth. When ranked by academic prestige alone, no one beats #1 Oxford

Enjoy a reputation as a global genius at any of the universities in the top 100. Apart from Oxford, you’ll find Cambridge, London School of Economics, the University of Bristol, and the University of Glasgow all ranked highly.

But if you value breadth, try the larger universities where you’ll find more activities, resources, and departments overall: the University of York is #1 for students who want to take advantage of activities held by its 244 total programs. For the privilege, you’ll trade a student-to-teacher ratio of 10.6:1 at Oxford for a slightly larger 14.3:1 at York.

What’s Best for You?

What are the best universities in the UK for international students? They may be smaller, cooler, and more expensive than our rankings. Our goal is to give you some new ideas to explore based on a balance of factors, but no number-crunching can tell you where you’ll find your new best friends, amazing experiences, and the best path to your future. We do know how to get you the basics of going to college in the UK, so start there, explore all the hidden gems, and you’ll be sure to find the best place for you.

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Jessica Share

Jessica is the writer, Ph.D., and mom-of-an-abroad-student-in-the-UK at the helm of College Abroad Guides. When she's not asking college students where the coolest place to hang out in their city is, she's figuring out how she can make $60 imported Greek oregano potato chips and £50 British bacon potato chips appear on her doorstep for the cost of a local bag of Lay's.

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