Netherlands University Colleges Guidebook

Grab yourself some chocolate sprinkles and get ready for a gezellig evening of fun.

The Netherlands University Colleges Guidebook 130+-page eBook includes 11 university colleges in the Netherlands — all the 3-year programs taught 100% in English and conferring bachelor’s degrees focusing on liberal arts and sciences.

University colleges are small, self-contained schools within public parent research universities. They have independent tuition and faculty, an intensive learning atmosphere, an honor’s college environment, and selective admissions. Dutch university colleges are great for students who want a broad, “American-ish” education with a rigorous education that can lead them to graduate school, even without the structured focus on a single subject that other European graduates get.

The Netherlands University Colleges Guidebook has easy-to-compare sections for each UC: Basics, Town, Campus + Housing, Academics, and How to Apply.

You’ll get more in-depth student quotes and details on:

1. University College Roosevelt
2. University College Utrecht
3. University College Maastricht
4. University College Tilburg
5. Amsterdam University College
6. Leiden University College the Hague
7. University College Twente
8. Erasmus University College
9. University College Groningen
10. University College Venlo
11. University College Fryslân


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